Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)



Etc FIVE EXPERIEN'D SALES-men for our Men's Furnishing Goods Section; must be first class men. Apply 9th floor, Superintendents' office. MARSHALL FIELD RETAIL. LOST ASD KOl'SD. 0STFllTR0IiE7LJtCC GRAY FUT1 lined; automobile hiar.ket; on Indiana ceajr 24th-t Wednesday.

Flndtr wi.l receive liberal reward. Return to No. 2D45 eoor. fiat. No question- asked.

HoitNEK. LOST I LL PARTY WHO TOCK TW'6 gowns from auto In front of Marshall Field at 3 p. in. Nov. 15.

return sam? to Mary A. Moran, dressmaker, who is responsible? Mentor Bidg Room U': reward and no questions' asked-. LOST $54 REWARD NOV. 4 BOSTON TER-rier. male, brindie white head and small brown soot on top cf head, uncut brindie cars-weight 24 lbs.

E. WHITE. 1310 Chestnut-a Ker.l'wcrth 111. Fhcne 66. LcS i SUPPOSEDLY ON No r.S i R.V suburban train arriving Chicago a.

m. Nov. Boy a. BOY TNTELUGETN'T. 14 TO Ifl.

TO A KT? HTM -self generally useful In mercantile oftlce; state full particulars and schooling In first letter; alac wages. Address Qi, Tribune. BRIGHT EPKAN'D AND OFFICE BOY MADI-son Embroidery Co 41 State-8t. DELIVERY BOYS FOR GROCERY South Side. Address 313, Tribuna.

OFFICE BOY IN WHOLESALE HOUSE: AD-vancement according to merit; replv In own handwriting, giving full particulars and state alary dei red. Address 5f i. Tribune. TWENTY BOYS TO WORK FOR A FHETTT pony, cart, and harness. Liberal pay to bright boys, besides the chance to earn a pony.

Successful boys will be given permanent positions which will not Interfere with, other duties. Ad-dresa I. 5. Tribune. WANTED BOYS, 14 TO 17 years of age, for various positions throughout the store; experience unnecessary.

Apply to lO a. 8th floor, THE FAIR, State and Adams-sts. frofeaalona and '1'rudva. ARTISTS PEN AND INK MEN. WITH EN-graving house experience; permanent positiona.

Apply at once with samples. S. Clark-st CRESCENT NGRAVTNG OO. ARTIST YOUNG MAN; ACCURATE DRAFTS-man and good colorist. Address 444 Tribune: ARM AT UTiE WINDERS A.D ARM AT RS winders' helpers Call 417JThroop-t: ASSEuMRLER PREFEivABLY ONE EXP.

Assembling and testing sad irons. Do ran Sales 1274 Wash! gt njbly BARBER AT ONCE" STEADY. SOBER; GOOD wages. Nr. WILSON.

Granville. 111. BINDERY FOREMAN FAMILIAR WITH loose leaf work Address, stating experience and salary expected. Irving-Pitt Mfff. Kansas City.

Mo. BLACKSMITH. BOILERMAKERS. TINNERS Nonunion For railroad work, west and soutu; must be competent; free transportation. Apply 1M Federal-st.

BOILERMAKERS FOR PANAMA CANAL U. S. government work; 65c hour; steel car reipalrera, 56c hour. Free ateamship transportation: experienced men only. Call 13th floor, Fostolflce build ing BUTCHER COME READY FOR WORK.

Wabash av. 2020 BUTCHER- HI LAKE ST OAK PARK CANDY MAN ON HARD GOODS AND CHOCO-lates; good opportunity and steady work. Bakery,". Ipj biiAf TOOL DRAFTING- ROOM; want uesigners on punch and die work; also 3 tracers. Cail or address WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY.

4Sth av. end 24th-st ENGINEER NIGHT; AS WATCHMAN; CLOCK service; 7 nights; suite full and salary expected. Address 160 Tribune. ENGRAVER BOTH FOR SCRIPT AND OLD English lettering on silverware and Jeweiry. Call to lc a.


G. UHLEMANN FUR 72 E. MadJ- 4th floor. FLORIST TO TAKE CHARGE OF GRE.EN- house and grounds of institution 25 miles from Chicagn: must be sober and indusLrioua. Apply Room 6i.

ItiO Jackaonblv LINOTYPE OPERATOR ONE ACCUSTOMED to commercial work. Address Robert Smith Printing Company. Lansing Mich. EXPERIENCED MEN ON punch and die work; must be fully experienced and up to date men Cai! or address WESTERN ELECTRIC OMPANY, 4gth-av. and 24th-st.

MAN LETWEblN 20 AND 35 YEARS OLD, with tngineer's license (nonunion preferred, to do general ork, besides take care of high pressure boner: sie-ady work; good opportunity. Telephone lv4v Hun.boldt PRINT "e'R COMPOSITOR; UNION SCALE; $17. Galesburg Even in Mall. Galesburg, 111. SPiNDLE CARVER FOR TABLE WORK; state and wages expected.

HANSON FURNITURE CO. Jane-sviUe, Wis. TAILOR SHOP HELP WANTED, Tailor workers (male and female) who want better hours, better pay, better opportunities and conditions than have ever been given in any other shops in America please apply at once to our "Sunshine Shops." These are the only tailor shops in existence working throughout on a forty-eight hour a week schedule, giving the merest beginner the same advantages given to the most important foreman with time and a half for overtime, full pay on all legal holidays, and pleasant, agreeable treatment and surroundings the year around. We can give opportunity to able help in all branches of tailor shop work (male and female). And the wages are by far the highest paid to skilled special order shop help.

THE ROYAL TAILORS, at WANTED CUTTERS H. M. MARKS Wholesale Tailors, Jackson-blvd. and Peoria-st. WATCHMAKERS EXPERIENCED: WILL pay liberal salaries to men showing ability and speed; an unusual opportunity for promotion and salary increase.


ilooie Servant. COUPLE GOOD COOK, LAUNDRESS: HOUSE- mn. care of furnace; wages. $12 week; competent reliable. References.

Apply by letter to MRS. STEWARD. Piano. Illinois. HOUSEMAN COMPETENT.

EXPERIENCED In cleaning automobiles ar.d taking care of fur-nace Refs required Address 133. Trlbur.e. Hul StMAN-IN Phlv'A ii, FAM.LY McSTLE able to cook; city references 39B5 Lake av. RELIABLE AND THOROUGHLY EXPEEI- enced man for housework for rwo private residences In Lake View must have best of references. Address lt.

Tribune. Jnitora and Porter. ASSISTANT JANITOR FOR NIGHT WORK IN high grade apartment building: must be capable of looking after steam, hot water, and ehevator plant; wife for extra compensation, to a wist In housework in flat of owner; young German couple without children preferred Address lf'2. Tribune: Amenta. AGENTS WANTED FOR BRAND NEW BOOK ROOSEVELT'S FIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS His Policies; Great Speeches; African Trip; His Life Story Told Complete; Ranchman.

SoidleL. Hunter, Statesman. ROuSEVELT SAYS: "The issue Is Joined, and we must fight or fall." BIG MONEY FOR AGENTS. One sold 102 first week: 4K in short time; profit nearly $3O0. Liberal terms.

Outfit free. Address THE INTERNATIONAL BIBLE HOUSE. Dept. M. Philadelphia.


736.V AGENTS FOR NEW BOOK. ROOSEVELT Battling for the Right." including Roosevelt Policies Great Speeches. African Trip. Address INTERNATIONAL BIBLE HOUSE, Dept. Philadelphia.

Outfit free. ANTED AGENTS TO SELL FLORIDA LAND. An entirely new plan; insurance agents or any live solicitor can make big money. Call. FRANK L.

BILLS 1040 American Trust CMc? go Til WANTED AGENTS FOR HIGH CLASS CATHO- Pc proposition: exceptional opportunity; reference and security. Call on MR. HAAS, 401, 85 Dearborn, ft to 12 a. m. AGENTS TOU CAN SELL OUR GOODS: WE show you how; ability, not experience required; no delivering; steady position; cash each week.

Western New York Nurseries, Rochester. N. ANY MAN OR WOMAN WITH $50 CAN MAKE big money easily, r.o canvassing. Good for every day in the year. Investigate this at once.

Room 15 184 Pfarbora-st. AGENTS OUR MONTHLY PAYMENT POLI- cies sell themselves You secure quick returns and also build up a future Income. Continental Company. 1 5 134 Monroe gt. TEN DOLLARS WILL START YOU IX BLfcl ness with a complete stock of (roods; success guaranteed or money refunded.

45 E. Randolph- gt. Room 410. EVENING WORK ONLY LIVE SALESMAN can make $13 to $5-0 a week extra. Write A.

I. FKsO B17 CM re PMt Seattle Wa AGENTS "WANTED MEN TO SELL FILING cabinet; some experience required. Addresa layer Advertiainft Agency. Rochester. N.

Y. feaieawonien, solicitor, Utc. WE. WANT 20O EXTRA saleswomen, with or without experience, for permanent and temporary positions our selling forces. This is a splendid opportunity for women desirous of earning extra money for Christmas.

Call at the Superintendent's office, fourth floor, south. SIEGEL, COOPER CO. MARSHALL FIELD COMPANY DESIRE AT ONCE- SALESWOMEN. Msnv attractive places are being created a large number of wtilch will lead to permanent employment Successful applicants will find many advantages In their association with this house. Previous experience not absolutely essential.

Applv 9th floor. Superintendents' office. MARSHALL FIELD RetalL WOMEN TO HANDLE THE BEST XM AS PACK-age out Big sellers and big profits for hustler. 622 5 Sth-av. Domestics and Cook.

CHAMBERMAID MUST SLEEP AT HOME. BE good sewer and have ctlv references Apply Fri iay morning MRS. KELLOGG FAT RBAN K. S-ate-at. COMPETENT GIRL 4 ADULTS; NO SECOND Call after 2 p.

m. Thursday. 121SMonad-Bock Bidg. CHAM HERMAID GIRL; FRENCH OR SWISS speaking French, and to assist in care of two children, aged and 11 years; references Ad- dres? Tt Tribune CCmj I WOMAN i In making fancy salads, sand wlches and all kinds of pastry, one who can make good for a small caterer in the suburb, good opportunitj forahrignt woman. French.

Swedish or German preferred Apply or write F. S. DOLE. 317 High- lar.d Park, III. COuK-A GcOD COMPETENT for cook and general housework In faniry of four: French.

Danish or Swede preferred; must be willing to travel and not Incumbered; wages $25 per month Apply by letter to MR. J. B. DE LANCET Fslrbury 111 age ard qualifications COOK GOOD. SWEDISH.

AND TO ASF'ST with ironing: wages $7. MRS. MASON. 5715 Woodlawn-av. COOK FIRST CLASS, with ref $7 a week.

Park. NEAT COLOR ED COOK SIMi 6. Euclld-av Oak EXPERIENCED GIP-I COOKING AND L'f' UN-stairs work Greenwood-ay L1HA HOUSEWORK GIRL; IN FAMiI bright, sunny room with private bath; desirable place C3 I horuuale-av near 3d, apt Fdgevvater. GENERAL HOUSEWORK THOROUGHLY competent girl; small family good ages. 3744 Cheffleld av.

GEVEf AT. HOUSEWORK COM1' El ENT GILL: two in faml'v: wages $7. 6340 apt MRS S. KEEI.ER. GENERAL HOfFEWORK GIPL: SM family; good wag-es; German preferred 451 Ellis-av.

Phone GENERAL HOUcsEW ORK GLKL; NO ASH ing $1 per week, iiw sneraan-ra. micui-u eta. V. GENERiL HOUSEWORK COMPETENT GIRL; Cki TT- eina-lrn A Pel fl Tt 1 tl't UMIUIK. tart.iiia...

GENERAL F.O I WORK-NEAT GIRL: ONLX 3 In family; no washing. 623 Winthrop av. GENERAL HOl.SEWt.KK ti-iRL. tMALLFAM- 11 $7 a 31 Tribune GENfER.AL HOUSEW ORK GIRL: SMALL FAM- lly Call Thursday H2-'S Greenw ood-av 2d flat. GEN AlTilTo EW OF.

I BRING KEF- ererces 3152 Verr.on-av., flat. GENERAL HOUSEWORK HITB G.RL: NO waxhing Call 5335 Cornells vHydeJark HOUSEWORK-GIRL FOR UENtlUL nULSL- work: must be good cook: no wages $7. Cail at 4vlo. North laundry work. Hermita ge-av.

T.fnKir. Fdgewater 2Q43. HOUSrlVVORK-GIRL. UNDER 3 FC OUN- try: good home Inr rtgnt rwuif vm eu; Ml 1. A.

.1 HC)U REWORK Vo I Xti GIRL ABOUT 15 YRiv old to assist: small family. 2503 near ree woQ.1. LIGHT HOUSEWORK TOUNG GERMAN GIRL; go home nights. Phone Rav. 1105.

t44 Lake- slr'e-pl 3d flat. AIL) FOR GENERAL HprEVlRK- 2 IX famllv; no washing: high wages to competent person. 4822 2d apt. Phone Oakland 4M2. JJaTdIt'OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: SMALL f'amilv r517 Michigan 2d apartment.

WOMAN TO ASSIST ITH COOKING; wages no Faturcay or Sun work: hour-. 7.Ht to 5. Anply 4th floor Lake High Scfcocl ccrr. Irving Park-blvd. and APhlsnd-av.

Housekeeper and Caretaker. HOUSEKEEPER FOR ELDERLY COUPLE. 151 Keniiworth-av. Telephone Roger Tark 117. Urrm kern anrt ses mirr.

COMPETENT SKIRT AND SLE1 VE MAKERS. Apniv today and all week. E. DE LON3. 1103 E.

47th-st. WAIST AND SKIV.T DRAPER-EX rERI- nced-alsoelTaiid ylrl. Ileput'lic Blcg Tainted help in fine coat shop. Pocketmakers, sleevemakers, shapers, lining basters, trimmers, edge basters, armhole basters, canvas basters, girls for small work by machine and hand, also offpressers and underpressers. Steady work and best prices.

Light, sanitary shop. We pay all week work. LEOPOLD, SOLOMON EISENDRATH, 310 Franklin-st. Milliner and Trimmer. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR MILLINERY rcom; permanent position and good pay.

L. S. Me: cant lie Co 736 W. Mjr.rc-e-st. oiria FOUR GIRLS FOR ADDRESSING WORK Home evenings, by wholesale piano house, to apply towards purchase cf a piano: employs' discount allowed.

Address 248. Tribune. GIRLS GRAMMAR SCHOOL graduates, over 16; steady employment in agreeable surroundings; experience not necessary; promotion for those who qualify. Apply at once. SPIEGEL-MAY-STERN 1081 West SSth-st.

WRAP AND LA EEL ipiv to BOTTLES: over lfl vears of age Apply to MR YL ER, care of the Consumers' Co. Soth and Butler sts. GIRLS -TWO; ONE FOR COOK AND LAUN-oTess, other 2d work; wages. $7 and $5. Apply by letter MRS.

JULIAN STEWARD Piano. MI-OFFICE GIRLS WANTED Grammar school girls, over 16 years of age, for filing and messenger work In our general offices. Good starting salary. Call, with age certificate, 8 to lO a. m.

SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. WANTED GIRLS, 14 TO 17 years of age, for various positions throughout the store; experience not necessary. Apply 8:30 to lO a. 8th floor, THE FAIR, State and Adams-sts. arses and Oovernesme.

CHILDREN'S NURSE WTNNETKA: GOOD wages- must have references Apply to WILLIAM F. MILLER. Northern Trust Co. La and Monroe GOVERNESS OK NURSE FOR TWO CHIL- dren attending school: must be refined woman, speaking correct German, able to do plain sewing and live at home; no evening or Sunday work. In answering give telephone number, if any, and s-ate larr wanted Address 54-S Tribune.

NURSEFOR TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL; $30 per month. Address, with references. 24) Tribune f-b FOR 2 CHILDREN. COMPETENT: reference required. Phone Oakland Forrestvllle.

Laondrese and Day Work. EXP HAND SHIRT I RON ER TH CHAPIN Laundry. 020 E. 43d -St. Stenographer and Typists.

COMPETENT TOUNG WOMAN ABOUT 23. itencgraphlc and clerical work: satisfactory ttlirr- rou Ix accurate and of good appearance verv agreeable position for the right person; ri, get attention give all particulars concerning la own handwriting. Addre 660, Tnbui. Aicenta. AGENTS.

Our goods sell readily. Investigate. MAXIM SPECIALTY Baltimore Building Chicago. Steuugrapiiers and TylaU. STENOGHAPHER BRIGHT YOUNG MAN.

who wants to grow up with a live concern; must be ambitious and not afraid of hard work; salary $10; state age. education, and experience: do not apply un Us sg ualifled. Address 195. TT it i ne. STENOGRAPHER EXPERIENCED OLIVER operator preferred.

ROCK COUNTY SUGAR lanesviile. Wis. YOUNG MAN WITH SOME GENERALOFFICE experience, bright beginner; state age. experience, andi wage expected. Addresa 122, Tribune.

YOITNG MAN FOR REMINGTON MACHINE billing ar.d somewhat familiar with shorthand; state reference and salary desired. Address Tribune. Miit-eliaueout. ABLE BODIED EN FOR THE IT S. MARINE Corps, between the ages of 10 an must be native born or have first papers Monthly pay $15 to Additional compenuation possible.

Food, clothing, quarters, and medical attention tree. After i years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Applv at S. MARINE CORPS P.

OFFICE. 260 S. 894 S. 12 4-9 or 11 S. Ha.sted-st..

Ch i cago, 111. ADJI'STORS AND INSPECTORS BRIGHT. e-rgetlc voung men with or without experience: aiso packers for china, glassware, and general merchandise. Apply th floor. Superintendents' office.

MARSHALL FIELD COMPANY. Ka-taiL BUYERS BY LARGE, POPULAR PRICED DE-partment store in Indiana for jewelry, leather goods, lace and embroideries, ribbons, trimmings, restaurant, shoes, -phonographs, cameras, gloves; state age, salary wanted, experience and full particulars in first letter. Address SO. Tribune. CARD WRITERS WANTED to write Christmas and gift cards; must be good penmen.

Apply 9th floor, Superintendents' office. MARSHALL FIELD RETAIL. DOORMAN WHITE. MORRISON HOTEL. EXPERT SHOW CARD WRITER GOOD L- ary; steady position to first class all around man.

Apply contioientially. Address cOs. Tribune. E-VPERIENCED FLOOR MANAGER. APPLY 6TH FLOOR.

EVAN. LLOYD 138 TO 144 STATE-S T. EXPERIENCED LEMON STRATOR CITY DE- partment store, tois; give telephone. Adaress 4 tribune. INSi'ECTOH AND CHECKER IN MAILORDER department of larye jeweiiy house, $1 per week.

State experience and references. Address Tribune. MAN FIRST CI.AS5:, FOR MANAGER OF GRO-cery store. South Side; good wages lor good man. Address a67.

lribun. MAN TO DO OUTSIDE WORK; PRIVATE FAJ1-il) suburban. lo5 Adams-Bt. tfo7. Millinery buyer by "the fair, the largest popular priced cepartn.ent stole in Cincinnati.

O. Give FULL particulars as to -alary required, previous employment, and general qualifications. Address 37. Tribune. WANTED-iOUNG MEN, 18 years of age and over, to learn the clothing cutters' trade.

Good wages paid while learning. HART SCHAFFNER MARX, Franklin and Monue Streets. WANTED Young men, 1G years oX age and over, to work In tailor shops as learners; good wages from the beginning. HART SCHAFFNER MARX, 133 Market-st. YOUNG MEN OF GOOD CHARACTER AND ability, willing to start at btttrm to 1 am and Iron business: high school graduates: reference mimt he eiceut'onal: oromotLn ratTd If ability shown: old established firm located on West Side.

Address w. irioune. YOUNG MAN ABOUT 1 YEARS OLD. IN stock room of wholesale house: -must be strong and active. THE WESTERN NEWS COMPANY, 004 M-ldison st.

young men-; run on rains as news, agents. Apply jch. j. unir.K t. .1..

ICE La Salle-st. station baggage room. Help Wanted vtih iinfsiinenti, INVESTORS AND AGENTS WANTED INVEST your money or services with us: $.1 a month on our new tlan will bring you large returns. Ask for particulars by mail NORTHERN SYND1- CATE 213 Randoiph-st. hOiEL MANAGER.

WITH $2 50u; SALARY $125 Average dividend 24 per cent MR HENRY. Hotel Meyers 744 Root at Emplo) ment Anfntl(l, START WORKING TODAY Stock boys Macl-insts 25c-30c Barnmen $15- 16 L2 14 12 $2.. 2.i Hunsarian or Polish Packers stableman Piano moer and driver $16- 1H Locomotive engineers $15 up Fireman and electrician, hotel Suburban express drivers $12- 14 Janitor and Otis elevator 66 Porters Oilers -jcnlnists Painters Laborers Carpenters 3.C0 Rest waiters. Hotel porters. Second cooks.

rtelboys Farm hands-. 25 12 25 2 Laundry sorter and farr. w-ashers. $4i marker t- 10 Doormen, hotel, -j-hite $35- 45 Bockeepers 1" Engineers $ln- 3 Firemen 17 Cooks $15- 20 Housemen $2- 30 Janitor $4o- 60 Truckers 1 liartenders $15- 20 THBhwsshers 30 Laundry drivers iz 1 Express divers Elevator men -0- 4( Office men $10- 15 Grocerv clerks. lf Window washer.

$25- 3fi Saloon porters 12 Harness cleaners. $10- 12 Stock boy 10 Factory men 14 Kitchen men $3- 35 IA SALLE AGENCY. 48 LA 6ALLB-ST, CLERKS AND BOYS. If you could only realize the enormous list of positions we have open-, with the very best firm In the city, you wouldn't lose a minute In cdming over. We only charge you a week's salary.

We wan you to drop In and look over the position paving' $5 to $15 for Bkkprs. and Ftenog. and Beginners. 9 Ledger-men Typists. Receivirwr and Gen.

Office Clerks, with or without experisnce; 17 openings for boys. $3 to $0 per week with the very best firms downtown. Hurry over. CRAIG AGENCY. VT Journal Bl 1 Waahlnirton-st.

HIGH GRADE POSITIONS. No registration fee. The following are a few special openings and must be filled at once. Call or write at once: 5 bank statement clerks, small banks 2 clerks, general office experience 12 6 Junior clerks, some experience preferred. 10 3 young men, learn banking 8 5 young men, learn miscel.

office 7 9 bovs learn office work ft- 7 TRUEBLOOD EM P. CO. 1011. 1M La Salle. TOOL AND JIG DF'SIGNER.

WITH SHOP Experience, experienced tracers $10: salesman, on storage batteries. Chicago trade; salesman, on smokel-as furnaces; stor kk-reper, $100: mechanical foreman, tool room, $135: mechanical foreman, valve and fitting manufacturing $150. The Engineering Agency llth Floor Monadnryk Block. Est. l-03.

CHcagO. STENOGR A PHFR 11 2 Bright young man for office work $3- 30 Office and errand bovs $5- 8 Young man thoroughly experienced. take charge of bowling alleys: must livt on South Fide 50 Emnloyment Bureau Central Dept. Y. M.

C. 153 La Sal ie Chica go. STOREKEEPER FOR CORPOR. OUT Bookkeeper, age 25, out city Sn Shipping clerk, work on No. Side 55 Bank bookkeepers.

2 Office man, age 20. N. 40 Boys ov" 1. office, insurance office 6 La Salle or 225 Dearbor-sL ADVERTISING MAN TO GO WEST: CITY salesman. $73 and young collegs man to develop into salesman; BUSINESS SERVICE 1017-140 DEARBORN CONNECTIONS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES BKPRS.


Cor. De-ai-horn snd Randolph-ets. lianK Moor. AMERICAN RAILWAT BUREAU, 705 132 Clark. Auditors bookkeepers stenographers office men telegraphers junior clerks ar.d boys: many good openin gg today.

Regi stration free. LEDGER MAN IN R. R. DEPT. familiar freight rates, steno.

and office elk. $12-steno. 6 mos. $10: Junior REYNOLDS St HODGES 140 Dear born. Stenographers and Typist.


EXPERI-ecced in tabulating work and able to operate 18 inch carriage. Underwood, for trmantnt position. State experience and salary expected. AodrsJ HtYibure. STENOGRAPHERS-THREE.

EXPERIENCED. accurate, speedy, owning their own tvpewrlrers. No beginners wanted. State experience and salary expected. STARK Louisiana STENOGRA FH ER YOUNG LADY: MUST HR accurate and experienced Apply Curtis-Leger 1 i.iuiq at- son 1 a TYPIST YOUNO GIRL: BRIGHT BEGINNER; Remington: No.

6 machine; good opportunity. STRAUSS BRO Franklin and nroe sts. DEPARTMENT MANAGER OF large wholesale house desires energetic, level headed stenographer and personal assistant; young woman with advertising experience preferred, although not demanded. Permanent and growing opportunity for right party. Address 404, Tribune.

STENOGRAPHER THOROUGHLY EXPERT-enced young woman who is capable cf taking rapid dictation and keeping office record Good salary. Permanent position. Write or call. SEARS. ROEBUCK CO.

TYPIST EXPERIENCED MARKS CO. FEMALE. ir.d Peora. H. Jttlacellaneotea.

FOLDERS CIRCULAR WORK 174 penter-f N. CAR- FRENCH MAID REFS. REQUIRED: MUST speak Frencn fluently and sble to assist with plain sewing. Telephone 132 Kenosha; retfwrsing charges; Sunday between 12 and 2. Address 151.

Tribune. DISH WASHER BALTIMORE OYSTER HCUSS, 1371 E. 55th-st. INTELLIGENT WOMEN Of education can secure permanent ar.d lucrative employment in the enrollment bureau of the extension department of a well known i.nlverlty. Those who can travel preferred.

Intervi-w arranged. No house to house work; $1 500 first ar to those who qua Ify. Address 219 Tribune LADIES RELIABLE HOME WORK: APPLY Ing tnsfers; $L5 dcz. 31) S. S'ate.

Room 312. LADY DEMONSTRATORS QUICK SALES; good com. 112 Masonic Tercple. CalI 10 to 12- REFINED AMERICAN GIRL OF GOOD Appearance and good address as switchboard operator and reception clerk; must be a stenographer. Call In person.

AMERICAN CORSET COMPANY" PARLORS. 315 Imiborn 8th floor. SEVERAL YOUNG LADIES BET 1-3 P. Roo-n 3H. 1H7 ashln ton -st.


67 WABASH AV. WANTED Young women to work In tailor shops as learners; good wages while learning. HART SCHAFFNER MARX, 135 Market-st. WOM OVER 3. OF FAIR EDUCATION.

WHO can leave citv and furnish bond: large firm offers per marent tK'Sl'lon Ao1rss A 3Q TT-hune. Free Typewriter Kmployment Rausa STFNOGP AFHFR EXPERIENCED. FCR SEC-retaryshlp In large corporation; must be up in office detail as w-eli as tactful and have good personality; salary $1S Call early. The Oliver Typew riter Company 47 Dearborn-st 11... AL i 1 1 i to operate any make of machine promptly furnished.

THE SMITH PREMIER TYPE-'I rtl CO SEVERAL GOOD LADY TY'PISTS GC'OD SAL-aries. Apply Royal Typewriter Co 21 nroe st FEMALE re- vf.NT 1 salary UNDERWOOD Application lor biiiulo) weal Atteucy License. MRS ELS A CLAW. 13' AGFN-cv Mrs. Elsie Claw's Employment Agrencv.



R. 13, 161 PANDOLFH-ST. HIGH GRACE WOM: N. "THE ORDERS" Are pouring In and we are nearly swamped) today with the better grade positions. We are especially hv on Head Bkkprs.

Pri. High Grade Comb. Bkkprs. and Se-nors and several excullTt openings for beginner Sterols from $7 to $12 per week. We hav 12 unusually good position open for tvplsts.

Drop In and look them over. We are "different." being under direction of Business Men's Clearing House. All interview strictly confidential and in private offices. Why not better yourself CRAIG AGFNCT. Jot'rral BMg WasMneton-L TF NO.

ANY I'OOKtCPEPFPP P.ookkeeper, age rc ft OMW girls, $7 to Cashier 9 Factory Girls. 3 6 men Ptero. and S. 12 8. to 1" 6 to tl to KING'S.

02 La Salle or 225 Dearborn-st. STENOGRAPHERS. TO $12: Fit CTEPK. $12- Graphophon Opr. and Ftenorrap'-ers.

15 to $1: OfHce Clerk. $6 to $10; Typists. to CM shier. 9. EXCHOOT.

falle. STENOGRAPHERS BOOKKEEPERS. tjpist. Some good openings today. fee.

AMERICAN' RAILWAY BUREAU 706132 Clark. BOOKKEEPER N. $13.00 STENO. tvplst. b-ginner $7.00: office girls fi- 1 4f Dearborn.

HORSES ASD CARRIAGES. wagons, landau, brouguani. new and second hand for private and livery use. Attractive prices. New vehicles of all kinds for business and pleasure harness, saddle, bridles, roues, hips, and ail accessories.

STUDEBAKER. 878 Wabash-av. Chicago. I1L Telephone Calumet BARGAINS FINE ROIXjHAM. COOD new depot wagon.j-ockaway, spider phaeton, and stanhope, st sacrifice.

Assortment dfllvory wagons and bus-ines buggies. Werti Thlele 1238 S. Ashland -a v. $250BUYS SEAL BROWN TEAM MARES 2 9W lbs 5 and 6 years old: $15 black team mares; also two good delivery cr driving mare. City Teaming B-rns near Homan-av.

Phone Kedzle 5600. WAG OS4 CARRIAGES HARNESS. Cash or time pn ment. RACINE WAGON AND CARRIAGE 441-445 Wsbash-av. $10 TAKES BREAD WAGON; $50 PLUMBER'd wagon; $125 grocery wagon; also carpenter ar-d ex pr ss wa ton; slness bige-v fr? w.

th-st SOME WELL BROKEN 4 YEAR OLD SMALL horses and mules sound and excellent workers, BULLOCK l'l Line 50O. FOR SALE PANEL. TXP It AM. GHC EHY wagon, fZ ir sold at oce-e. 3 44 Ma son St.

Apply P. J. ELDAMIL- lp: GREAT RACRIFICE BALANCE STOCK LAN. daus deml-coach broughams and station t- r.fStM i i. gons guaranteea itm om, i.em WANTED SECOND HAND 5 YAF.D ASH WAG- on box flfl a I ted -at.

TTE CREAM CO FELLING ENTIRE STOCK ir.ares horses wagons harness 2' YEAR OLD PACING HtjKbE. TOP buggy and harness- 52Q Haisted BLANKETS FOP SALE: CHEAP; jrp FG CO prT st $yo PUT'S PAIR LARGE TOUNO MARES, ALSO 4 heavy horses Halsted-t i I Ml pkl.TI.W."ESk.RAVltt. AM) 11 1 V.J1.N aXBPRINTTNTlEE SALESMA-N. THE RYAN A HART COMPANY, PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 22-24 FEPERAL-ST.


RAJ- PI PRESS. TEL. C. 117S. KY THE NEW ENGRAVING SHOP; LEST half tones, 10c per inch; line etchings.

4e; quick work Dearborn-st Phone 576 Harrison GOOD PRINTING. LOW PRICES. 1.000 LET- terheads envelopes, or cards, $2. Sample ft. L.

FA N'T 341 Darb-rn-st Tt! Harrison S373. OUR PRINTING FELLS OI'R GOODS. ESTI- mates carefully furnished: highest class of hcok- P. BLACK. Ml 63 Market-it.

Main 1C9Z Employment Agencies. THESE HIGH GRADE POSITIONS ARE ALL POSITIVF.LY OPEXv 3 Sales 4.tAH-10.0iO; Pri. Central Illinois; Salesman. $1,000 and expenses; Stockkeeper. $MJ, foundry; Statement Clerk.

i52o; Electrical Wirer, Advertising Man. $1 5O0. to go East; 6 Ledgermen, $ooO-1a4ii; Wire Man. $130. R.

R. Clerks, $:5: speak Spanish, leaveclty; Estimator r'aln and ornamsntal piaster: 8tnog. and Clerk, Head Bill Clerk. $1,200. electrical; Salee-tnan.

electrical supplies; lost Man. take charge of sma.I system. Practically all of the above orders came in ves-terday. 3 Senior Accountants. permanent.

12 various firms: packing experience, leave city: 3 D. Pi single, willing to leave city; 3 Buyers. house furnishing and furniture; Dept. M. O.

Mdse. Man, Solicitor and Collector. 0: 12 Clerks, principal requirement good penmen- and fair at figures; Custom House K.tiOO; 2 At SaCes Sl.fMV; Dry cooda Man $1 3, Minneapolis; Clothing- Sklesnian, St. Louis; 9 Stenogs (- 1,500. from the beginner to Pri.

Factorv sash and doors; Architect. estimate large Interior work; Wire Chief. $Wt; $115, steam teaVe Clty: Alr Operator. The order are pouring in. Why not dron In and talk It over You can't lose on us a we are obliged to place you in a position for us to get our money.

BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 323 Woman's Temple. 1S4 La Palle-st. ACCOUNTANT AND CREDIT MAN. $1,500 TO Ofrlce Man and Torresriondent Mall Order $1,200: Bookkeepers and Ledger Clerks $5 to $100; Stenographers.

$4 to $75: Gereral Offlle Clerks. $12 to $15; Purchase Ledger Clerk, V.V Bank Clerks. $40 to $tf: Stock Record Clerk. $t0: Timekeeper, $12; Asst. Bookkeeper $12: Typewriter, Bill Clerk.

S. $15; Junior Clerks. $7 and MERCHANTS' CLER EXCH loia MAN 25 YEARS STOCK ROOM EXPERI-ence. In foundry supplies: $10o a month. MORRELL AGENCY.

48 Clark-st. Tit A OK SCHOOLS. SALESMEN1 W-ANTEDcTeXPEIICRfS-quired; hundreds of good positiona open paying $1 to $500 monthly and expenses. Write or call today for particulars about how to get one of thm. National Saleainen's Training Asso.

la-tlon. Dept. 441. Monadnock Block. Chicago.

Branches: New Turk. Kansas City, Minneapolis San Franclsx-'o. New Orleans. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER 1 RADE Few weeks required. Best paying work within the reach of poor man.

Wages up to $20 weekly. Small capital starts chop. Few barbers take apprentices Demand increasing Call or write. Moler Barber College, 435 Wabash-av. GREER COLLEGE OF MOTORING Two entire floors devoted to Repairing and personal Instruction; Individual r0iQ lessons on modern cars.

Particulars for the asking. 1454 noash-ay. Phone Cai. WANTED TEN YOUNG MEN i ED the day to work two hours evenings; gKd chance to learn railroad freight rates, interstate commerce iaws and switching. SUITE 006.

ATH N.4SUM BLDG 2 E. Van Buren-t. INCREASE YOUR SALARY by taking practical course in automobile driving and repairing. Call or write. Pncne Calumet 4419.

ADAM AL TO MOBILE 1420 Mlcnlgan-av AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL CHICAGO SCHOOL FOR MOTORING. F. EDWARDS Instrucior. J619 njhigaav Phone Calumet 3PM MEN AND BOY'S TO LEARN PLUMBING electricity, brick aying. painting decorating; big demand at highest wages: day snd evening Call or write Coyne School.

49 E. Il'lntls-st PLAN READING ESTIMATING DRAFTING. Surveying etc. Day and evening classes. CHICAGO TECHNICAL COLLEGE.

Athecceum Bide 12 E. Van Buren-st. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE: FEW WEEKS required; imme.iale positions: good wages: tools furnished. Cail write New Method Barber School 612 cr icago DON'T FORGET THE AUTO SCHOOLS1 CF America train men properly and place them In ood Jchs 1KH illrrlnn ay. Tel 1' Cah.met NO MONEi IN ALV ANCE.

Engineering drafting taught nights by expert 23-a Mliwaukee-av. LEARN TO BE A TELEGRAPH OPERATOR." Jones School of Telegraphy R. 2u. 2tO near Jacksori NORTH SHORE AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL: LR1V-ing repairing: a practical course. WM F.

Ml'EHL M. 3f4S Ha'sted-st. WATCHMAKING. ENGRAVING. JEWELRY RE-pair; day and eve classes: catal.

free. Chicago School of Watc hmaking. I ept M. Bush Temple. WASTED FEMALE HELP.

Bookkeeper and Clerk. A NUMBER OF COMPETENT GIRLS FOR COMPARING AND AD-DING IN OUR CATALOGUE MUST HAVE PREVIOUS EXPERI ENCE AND COME WELL RECOMMENDED. APPLY PHILIPi-ORN. 139 ADAMS-ST ASSSISTANT BOOKKEEPER AND COST RFC-ord clerk Young lady: neat appearing, thoroughly systematic, accurate, and reliable; German young arout 25 years old preferred; sa.ary to biait. $12 to $15 per week.

Address, with particulars, 402 Tribune BOOKKEEPER A NT) I HAVE A position fur a crackerjack young lady: prefer one who Is also stenographer; lot of detail work; must be quick and accurate: have a g-ood head. Initiative, willing to learn our way; unless you are neat and svsten.a'.ic don't reply; good Ob to the right girl. Are you the girl? Address 142. Tribune CASHIERS AND INSPECT-ors, with or without experience. Apply 9th floor, Superintendents' office.

MARSHALL FIELD RETAIL. ASHIER FT ST CL-HS FOR GROCERY AND market AnrdvJW HIRVET, 14' C3 i-t. gTrlTtO DO BOOKKEEPING. SALAP.Y $6 00 per week. Address 14" Tribune.

LADY BOO KEF PER AND TYPIST RE FER- experience Address 4SH. Tribune. ITkThSFR PoPi''KR AND ASSIST ANT UOOK- keeper; permanent position capable young lad- who Is ambitious and willing to work. Ad-ry, a Trbune MULTI.iRAI OPfc P. A TOR PREFER GIRL who has general office experience, especially filing who is also capable of acting as forelady over ten typists.

Apply ROBERT JOHNS. 2t0 -nroe st OFcir rieT.rcTOUXaW?MEN 17 YEARS or over, capable of writing a plain hand and making neat figures Good starting salary with rapid advancement Experience desirable, but not necessary Call 8 to 10 a m. SEARS. ROEBUCK CO. WANTED LADY BOOK- keeper in general merchandise mail order house; must be very capable; will pay a good salary to start and excellent opportunity for the, right party.

JOHN MAGNUS 1033 W. Near Morgan. Take 3Sth-st. car to door. TO UNO LADY FOR GENERAL OFFICE work, who has had experience in wholesale tailoring office; steady position and liberal salary to right party; state age.

references, and salary. Ad- dress 100 Tribune. BillinK Clerk. BILLING CLERK FOR ELLIOTT -FISHER. with adder; must be rapid and accurate: preferably one familiar with retail billing: salary $14 to $15 to start if competent.

Address 241. Tribune saleswnmen. Solicitor. Etc HILLMAN'S Want experienced saleswomen for the following departments: FANCY' COOPS, JEWFLRY. OO.VTBS.

HANDKERCHT EFS, TOYS. Steady positional and good pay. Apply at Superintendent's office, 4th floor. STATE WASHINGTON-STS. THE STODDARD TRAVEL ENTERTAINMENTS A keen business woman of culture, to whom the value of foreign travel appeals, could find delightful, dignified occupation soliciting listed homes out of the city in the interest of our work; ten years before the public; popularity increasing; permanent work; now a good time to starf remuneration verv attractive.

GEORGE L. SHUMAN 328 Wabash-av. WAN 1 ED LADY OF GOOD ADDRESS AND education, capable of meeting the better claas of people: card furnished c-n calls to be mad: experience unnecessary good references required Splendid chance for advancement. Address f5 Tribune. WANTED Al LADY SOLICITORS; BEFORE renewing your 1911 contract with Geo Shuman Ohio Bliic.

We are putting on the market a new proposition and have some excellent territory still unassigned. Inquire for MP. POTTER. WE WANT TO EMPLOY TEN SALESLADIES to sell our Fischer's Instantaneous Kid Oiove Cleaner. Salary and commission.

45 E. Ran- Room 410. WANTED-2 OR 3 LADIES TO CANVASS: FOR-mer demonstrators of good addres preferred: rler sant and remunerative. PEAK. 708 47th- 2d.

ANTED SALESWOMEN AND LTSTKICT managers wlih corset experience; will ilso teach rese positions cuaht to nay $2 or more. THE HQlt'D cp-p SET CO. G-onl Hvd ANY FEMALE OR MALE CAN MAKE BIG money with our Christmas novelty. SC3-171 Weshir. gton-t.

WANTED SALESLADY EXPERIENCED IN ladies' furnishings and dry good; good poei- tlon. E. Cor. 2-'d and State-sts. WANTED CANVASSERS LADY OR GENTLE-ma; $12 per week.

Ruum g2, 91 Caxk. after 12i 2S paper parcel containing manuscript. Return to 24V Pir Evanston. or phone Harrison 7139. Reward.

LtirT W'EDN'ESLAY EVENING. NOV. 3. IN" Congress hotel, small hairpin wth diarr.ord s'uddtd ball. Return to V.

FtJRGAN. First Truat and Savings Bank, ar.d re-tie reward LOWT MINK THROW SCARF. WEINflS day evemng. 7 o'clox-k. on between Osgood and Seminary -avs.

Reward. A. C. PICK. fPa-e-st.

L(jsi kiiTaY evev'ng. cn i. c. audito- theater or Cor.res hotel, crescent pin or pears and diamonds Liberal reward. I'hon Pgrk LrSr LEPT ON S.

S. ELNKSL AY AFT-ernoon lady's handoag containing pur.e w'tjj "H'. keys. Mandela checks. M.

H. BO LAND. Phor.e LOST MINKMUFF IN FIELD'S STORE: OR Chicago-av. car. at State end incolph-e Nov.

2S; liberal reward A. CRAVLR, c7 Vba- lro I'h -ne crrra I LOST BLACK AND TAN FEMALE 1H3. M'N1- day vicinity of 2Hh and Hamlin-av. c. iKiRMAN.

24 34 S. klpe wa-av. EA EVIN'G EN ROUTE TO horse show Sirth-st. car lire 1ade and gIl pin. Liberal reward.

A BRANCH hi M-nroe et FOUND A KNKilir TEMPLAR CHARM" ON" Sunday, Nov. 7tti: owner can ilertirv same at Th- A me; lean Music Ha'1. Webs ha 4 jeck ct. LOST PACKAGE, LAIjY'S ETC D. ni.

Miriav on car at Aiamsand Wabash $1 r'i r1 drss 4 79 Trlhn ne I LOST MINK MUFF IN- ONE OF I IT teres Tuesday afternoon; $1'5 reward. A. 7 Waahingt- n-st. IXST DI.VJViuND I l. -CH.

IETWEEN RVTFt and Yale-av. and and Stewart av very liberal res aid oft re! i-t return r-: 1 Yale-sv. LOST EG LA SES. CHAIN. AND I'InTTeNS cr.lpped reward.

Address Fl'Tiibui. LOST-PACKAGE CONTAINING LINEN AND and lace: reward If returned 1 tth fl. Tribune LOST BLACK FRENCH Jike lln 2i'l' lHrlirri-st R. arT. "STFK'.

7414. Petum t- H. VAN ZANIT l'KHsOAL. PEP.SON A I. WILL NOT PE P.ESFJNS!HI.B lor any oeots un.ess contracted tv me.

F. DOtD 4ri2 Aoanis-st. PE RS A I PA P.T A I FI 71 1TI" RTJ at 1K," Autir-3v. call in Cve da. it will be for h-rgf P.R:N A LrlJiS Sallme UP WIIEV you are ready R.


AND FATTY HEART ft hDU LEU. Dr. Snyder's treatnier.t is predated rot and herbs that are so iha. tbty cannot injure a baby. Thirty years' continued success ousht to be ample pr.of cf th.s.

Dr. Snyder guarantees his treatment UDder th Pure Food and Drug Law. No starving, no tinkles. Consultation and booklet fre-. Call or write today.


1. 3 KIOA GO. PERSON AL THE AT.IVONDA. NEW SWEDISH Inst Kcmf-it; and iTr-phj lactic Treatrin Movements Massage Elacuic Baths. 618.

4d Mtcliigsn-av TO PROVE THE VIRTUE OF electricity I will treat per-ons sufaerir-g with catarrh rheumatism, headnhe. Iuuiiisj. 1 ek free. I Arthur. ti5 Hand li st.

5th ft PERSONAL Mfc-LTuNo BEAU IV BLEACH remove tan, freckles, moth patches, and pimples; price 50c a Jar. WM. MELTON p.epubilo Bulldirg 2' ft Stste-st C-fcsgo. PERSONAL ANTED LADIES FOR MAS-sage or hydropathic treatment, bv iadv nurte trained in Battle Creek n.ettods Addres 332. Tribune.

PERSONAL ROACHES. BUGS. HATS EXTEK-minated lrom vcur uemises under cuaranteeid contract ''all. write cr nhT.e Harrifin P'REPERICK PERES at CO 31 e- ttarhotn-tt. PERSONAL WE "TEACH HAir.LREi.-ING.

manicuring, facial massage. calt Fend for free booklet E. Burnham PERSONAL WE 1 EAC11 scalp treatment, fac-al treatment ekcirriiis. etc. ins nstruc.

Marmell- L'h'XJi 1 Wssh -st. PERSONAL SI IERFI.UOIS HAIR MOLES. detroye i forever bv eeciric ntecle. MMK. AUGUSTA KALI-MAN 34 E.

t. PERSONAL K. TEACH ALL I. RANCHES up hairaressirig etc lvoklei free pCOll's HAIR. DP.E-SSINC, 1.i; STAT E-S 7 CP ICAQO.

PERSONAL MISS GRAEF MISS DlJlvilXil and Jci.nson. expert In electro! vsls; Bit-tinea SI 7S State 5th fi oor. 51 PLHstjNAL-UitL-E TAYLOR ST At K- Suite 517. restoies xtiy hair to natural color without dves. Invsticn 'e PEP-OVAL MISS KOOET, VENETIAN Bidg electrolvsis.

scalp ard facial treatment, halr-es'ng T-rd blr gj crtral f-70. MME FOLLETT 7" 1 S2 ST A E- St. superfluous hair, warts moles permanent. removed w-tTh eleririr r.e.-'ij: r-o r-o FERs-ONAL FACE PF.CI A Lit- tr. P.ANTOLPH ST.


KIN. SCALP. AND FEA- ture spe-oialists. -Ftr TfiPK ET ETTPOLTS co S3 FtzteiSt. PERc-ONAL FACIAL AND SCA LP 1 sis liaitdreslng hair MM E.

QT'I VIVE 31 3 Vtnethn da PERSON A I. Sl'PEP-P'Ll "OUS HAIR ON THB face: 2' sears ir buflr.ess: xp- cperatois. ri e- c-tti-KP 147 A -it. PI dr. PERSON A I.

A HV. Y1" t.OINo DEAF? Til HI Baker Microphone will make you hear. Call ac f.o 15t Wabah-v. PERSONAL FOR GOLD FILLED PIXX-les eye glasees or sp-vtacles. Evj tertd fiea, PPOF.

PAVI34 F. Ji' nn e-st Suite PERSONA ALT TO C( FIT perfectly: coft no tr.or than readv agents wanted. The Hon Corset Co 3n54 Grand-blvd. PERSONAL TEACHING 22 A CK i. ago.

hairdreseing. h-air work only; open eve. Strfrled 3 S. AshHrd T. 1 P.SON A L- MA P.

VIN'S A SCA A CHOCGLA a tablets, tl great constipation cure, for sale la bovew d. tis r-i ar drutatp PERSONAL ALL MARKS OF AGE REMOVED In one treatment. Latest French method. MME O. L.

RANSOM 211" VI h'gan-a PERwiN A I. A SS A TREATMENTS GiVF.V bv expert Swedish mawitf at hr ladies only. 24 A'd r. 2f 4 K. r-'li -st.

PERSx'NAL HALEI ONE TEETH: NEW IX- vention; see lane ad 5set. Specialists painless extract Ion Ptos'on I rt-U 141 St n'e-t. PERSONAL DR. SAUNDERS. 14S STATE-ST.

Feature made perfect: wrinkles scars, pimple, removed- xion rn. PEl RSON AL WRINKLES AND ALL FACIAL blemishes removed In one treatment: price $5. fc 6TKP.I1NG Suite PERSONAL CALIN ET BATHS ELECTRIC Vibrator, hairdrssirg, ladies cn'v. MMR. LEH ANN.

If17 Warren-sv. Phore Seeiev 44.4. PERSONAL II AIR REMOVED PERMAN E.T-lv $2 fr hour: mo $2 each: fur.dav engage men's MME. VAT 'GH AN. y.LH PER SON A MASSAGE RE A EN TP GIVE-, bv expert Swedish masseuse at her private residence only Tel Gracelard .1770.


-rrrri t) 41. DRE55MAKISG-MILLISEHY SI IIDOLJ. 6PECTA Tl NDUCE PPLY EEK iicDoweii Seiijol leacii titling designing; ar.d tailoring; rial and ti ke your own dresses for 5 cent a day. Nlg-btcTasses Mon. ar.d Pri.

only $1 per week. Pat'erns cut i order. Ca i writ- or pbon foe circulars 41 cfa te-tt. Central ,23. TWO WEEKS FLEE AT A LENT Designing.

and Indies' Tailoring Colleges. fiS opposite Field's, ar.d 2U22 North Clark-st good position furnished graduates: day snd evening school; patterns cut to measure; guaranteed to fit; satisfaction guaran- teert; ca 11 or ri PAT P. SON SCHOOL OF MILLINERY DEsiGN; day and evening cia enter uow exit floor, 6 Madiso- sc 6. T. TAYLOR OF DRESS CcTTINcJ srfl TVslgrl-g Patterrs.


for my FREE LOOK. HOW to GET THKM Wsshlr gt n. D. office; highest references; best service; fee right; do not make the mistake cf aprlvlng a pt-n nnMl you have ti nt for my bo. an i had a PERSONAL INTERVIEW- with us.

ADVICE FRiuiO, Oun Mondav ever'-ra I'hone c. r.tral 5560. JOSHUA R. POTTS Attorney and Courselor at Law fsUHE 1112. 14Q MEN-WITH ORIGINAL IDEAS.

ILEASHAV3 MADE FORI UN ES If your invention has merit lose no Lime in turning It into money. Our free booklet tells how from the first step in pater.tir.g it to the actual a.e of the patent. WRITE TODAY. Dk 31 PATENT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Was hlngton.

INVENTIONS PATEN'TElX FREE FhELIM lnary search of official records. Sen i frr booklet. MILO B. STEVENS CO 35 Vonadncck Blk. Main Ofrlce Washington.

Est. 1Hf. PATENTS fA PAGE BOOK FREE: long EX-perlence; highest references. FITZGERALD tt CO Dept. 41 Washington D.

SEWISG MACHISES. HAVE bot SPECIAL FALL BARGAINS in new mac-mea irem 4. a up. gw-ranieed. Near Home Sew ln Machine Co a 2 vV ahash-av.

two poors north of Auditorium. Tel. Harrjy.n 777. AtvAM 4S WITH FOLEY Wlhiams 3d floor New and 2d hard machines; up. repairing by experts; part and for all machln, Tel.

Harrison 75? FOR SALI3- DROP HEAD NEW WTLICCX Sc Gibhs sewing at sacrifice price. Mcy- lan' Millinery Store 1122 edJ-J DROP HEAD SINGER SEWING MACHINE: perfect: all attachments; bargain. 3JT wciUSE. PICTURES, FRAMES. ETC.

whatoispFropiateft' YHAXi. beautiful picture handsomely framed A. CO. 1SS AtUSH-AV KIRSACE ASD STEAM ATI SO. FOR AiIeIsoOtTfT P.

A CFi AND BABI CG-y; cheat- Phone Bars Park: 4-34. An Exceptional Opportunity For a High Grade Salesman. is- vor ABE A SALESMAN. RATING YOTR -In VIVO ABILITY AT NOT LESS THAN $ll0 PFR WFEK: I HAVE A NEAT. CLEAN AND EN- Vtpiti i r- i i Ar-Ir i TO SOM KTH I TH RUSIN ESS t.i-v i'D AMBITIOUS Y'OUNG MEN ARE WAITING FOR.

INTRODUCTIONS FUR- MR. CHRISLER, 1010, 315 DEARBORN -FT. BOOK SALESMEN. Announcement Extraordinary I The largest house in the business, doing annually, is offer. ns an entirely new propo 0 n.w an success in East.

here from the general office to vmt sellin power ou cany almost certainty: new clans lor instructions. Immediate application nL-ssurv as I reiurn to N. Saturday. WALTER IllNNE 305 Plymouth Bidg. iATIiij-MEN" WHO WISH TO MAKE EXTRA mjrey acres, naif acres, and large build-tt lots the Ogden-av.

electric car and Dt s-names rher; low; easy terms; every lot ir bargain: men employed 01 having a Large can make from $10 to $5A a week work)" evenings and Sundays and not Interfering tne-r present employment: those this ad will be given an lntervlaw In ever.irg or on Sundays. Address 454, T-'hune. WANTED 2 THOROUGHLY experienced salesmen for watches; one for clocks. Apply to lO a. 8th floor, THE FAIR, State and Adams-sis.

125 PROFIT. yon. 97 saving- to customer; band rope ma-efcirt makes better, stronger rope than factory; NEW. ABSOLUTELY no competition. Farmers, ranchers, factories, beats.

build-era. liveries. sad-iitrs. stores buy cn sight; one man so I 10 first 20 Biinutes 1125 profit), another 100 weekly. Appoint subaents.

Act now for gTound flcor contract. Chicago Specialty Factories, Dept. D. 702 Baltl-core Elds- 21 Quincy-at. ARE YOU AFRAID of your ability to make good on a stra'ght commission sale to business men? Only sub criptio proposition of its for particulars ca.l or write JIB.

CLINK of the SYSTEM COMPANT. 151 Cf.ic.ago. SALESMAN WANTED A LONG EXPERI-enced first grade maker of excellent habits, appearance, and education can connect with the Waits selling White long stroke, left hand drlie automobile of X-blS design and White trucks. Straight commission basis omy A BA.NSCHBACH. Sales Hours 5 to 6 p.

m. oni y. 2ob Michigan blvd 4 EIS1NESS MAN WHO IS A iiOUl) SALES MAN ENERGETIC OF GOOD HABITS AND WHO CAN FUFXicH GOOD Rttc.nt.tts CAN OBTAIN P.X...1 OUTSIDE POSITION WITH AN OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE. BY ADDRESSING A 158. TRIBUNE, EE E.RAL HIGH CLASS SALESMEN FOR REAL estate syndicate investment proposition; exceptional opportunity for investment and insurance

capable of earning' big money highlit ciij leads furnished and strong pressure brougat to bear on prospects to enable you to close eeais. Write for personal Interview. Address A 3ns Tribune. CLOAK AND SUIT SALESMAN WANTED FOR THE NORTHW ES 1 BY AN OLD RELIABLE CLOAK MANUFACTURER: ONLY HO? Ei '1TH EXPERIENCE AND GOOD FOLLOW I NO NEEL APPLY COMMUN ICATE STATING LAST HOUsE BY WHOM EMPLOYED. D.

GET .1. IS. PALMER HOUSE -AFkKlENCED ADVERTISING SOLICITOR Must be absolutely reliable and a hustler; periLantnt position and prom. sing ruture for good jran: want one who can tarn per week or better; references required: will give audience to those wilting good application. Address 3tt Tribune.

I UaNT A LIVE SALESMAN MUST BE CAPA-bie of acting as sales manager; man of exoert-snce In fcar.d,li advertising, preferred: state in reply whether c.ny experience In ca.ling on hardware or gtocer trade; satisfactory salary If vou can convince me that you can mane good ref-rencs required. J. F. H.Niv '111. FIRST CLASS ADVERTISING NOVELTY salesman; can make big money with our line in Chicago; liberal commission or salary and commission to man of ability, energy and honesty who can make god.

BAS HON BROS. CO K.cb.ester Y. H'AMEIi-CEMBM SALESMAN FOR INDI-ana, Illinois and Wisconsin. Salary $15o per Eonth ar.d ail traveling expenees. Must be experienced cement salesman; give experience All resiles will be treated strictly confidential.

Addles 551 Iriuune. WANir.D SALESMAN OF GoOD APPEAR-ance and business abiaty, who can furnish good reierencts. to hanole cur proposition in Chicago or on the road; permanent employment with good ln- com to the right man. F. ERCrt Old Colony Building SIOCK POOD.

MEDICINE, AND SPECIALTY salesmen who have made good but looking for btuer proposition sell dealers only beet line goods market backed up by tremendous sale-a getting general advertising campaign. H. F. BUSH fteiistoro. Pa.

VE FOR A FEW MORE S'jod salesmen. Must have natural artituce lor Mures. loun? men experienced in detail aci expert accountants preierred. Exceptional unity for men of ahllitv. CA LCULUS e-A I COMPANY.

1451 Marcxuetie Bidg. salesmen-we want a man of excep- uc-nal qualifications in the way of educatirri appearance and salesmanship for a permanent road position; liberal commission contract; A only 5 Mnnh.ttan Bldg. salesmen for enc ch-pelia beita.v- mca and Funk Wagcaii's Standard Dictionary, of leads; good propositions for energetic and ririiatie men. App.y Central Newspaper Assn laV sbash-av. AVl ED SALESMEN.

CEMENT 11A.u ac' turing Co. Increasing sales force, wants several aien grade salesmen; ptneanent positions- good Aiary. Apply in strict confidence giving expert-tnre. reff -ranees, to 4--S Tribune HERE YOU ARE. HOLIDAY MEN SOJ1E- to'iJS new and comical, running Teddv monkey wndmg; sel.a like wild fire; terms and sample can make $ii to 15 per day.

Herring Lawscn Factory. 2-l Sedgvvick-st. SALESMEN TvANTED LIVE MEN TO SELL tronest line novelties cn the market c-asses of trade: con.m s- t-peciaities Mig. 4-17 W. Vi1 Eij 1 VV ELL W.t.v-LL.

LL tM Uikers for city salesmen; proposition good for J50 week up; experience unnecessary; we teach you "11; J' J4I. -st Wanted city salesman, age 5 to 35. on Coiiier's Weekly, if ou need woik, caii and our demonstrator will show you in a few hours how to per week 8i-ft Plymouth Bldg salesmen to sell hardware and fur- nnure trade; newly patented kitchen rack; 21 Kft Epace; takes only two inches room. MACK gTSEL C0.MPA NY. L-etroit, Michigan.

MEN" EXPERIENCED IN INDUSTRIAL INSUR- ance LIVE WIRES ONLY wanted on new Protwsltion: good for from 20 to $50 weekly, no lorteits or fines, fx 0 1S5 WANTED A FIRST CLASS SOLICITOR TO treasury stock in a safe and trustworthy Hydraulic dredging enterprise, offering splendid SEgrtaiilles, Address 4h7. Tribune. EAH.NEKT. RELIABLE MEN OF EDUCATION to present a legitimate proposition. $20 a week ruaranteedi; a hustler can make 100.

Call Room Temple TJ0 ENERGETIC SALESMEN TO CALL ON trade: steady: will pav good mcnev to the V. McKILLICAN. 154 Lake. R. 211.

Ad-aggll. Tribune. JSMEX TO TRAVEL: MEN WHO HAVE in retail grocery buslress or buvera in g5ayjyrt A.iresy Uln. Tribune' Grocers' Journal MEN TO TRAVEL FOR mention references. Adttress OF TOWN AGENTS WANTED EXCEP--onai preposition; exclusive territory; strongest tion.

etallic Mfg. Co T45 E. 30th-t WAXTErjINSiDB SALESMEN. GOOD. for tne right men.

Appiy N. Ranted city salesmen ox Ni novelty: sells on Eight; good commii. Hon Room TW. Bnym. BPT-ON OUR DELI VERT WAGONS: MUST over Iff wars: applv STiipping Clerk, building.

MARSHALL, COMPANY. Retail. VJT nT'DFR FIT. I FPS AND stock '7 to ers of age: strong active boys for fllMrsr Dp-I: end taking care of stock Th Dositiont are aa nff-t and ac2vancement ranld to those who salary SS per week. AddIv row mcrnine SEARS ROEBUCK CO.

J-CVER 1R TEARS OF AGF TO WRAP "CKagPS (n our merchandis? derjartments: to sock hnvs erd onffr fillers 't good worV- startine salary Apnlr 8 to 11 a. m. SEARS ROEBUCK CO. BRICrHT. 1 TEAKS OLD.

TO 0o1 trade, run errands ard make himself J-Jl; small concern- good chance for advance-Zr' Hurt fumis-h first ilass references; per -iiLtost 'art. Address 171 Trlhure. E2TI5 YEARS OT-D TO HELP IN na deliver packages good opocrtur.ity for ad-sceirent. WALLACE SONS MFG "5 BRIGHT BXEROETIC. FOR SHIPPING wVi.0 worlt ar.d parcel deliverif penrsnent pl-ace increasifr.g wsges for dependable boy.

Call MtrMK3P--T SOT 0VRr ift OF AGF. C-" wk; good' opportunity for right boy: email "artire siiary. MURPHY VARNISH i5- j17 YEARS OLD. MVr FE ACTIVE AND tiUajr. I72s6 Old Colony Bid.


Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.